Manifest. Regrow Your Light

Regrow Your Light. What if we chose to see the joy? To run towards the things that bring us happiness. What if we convinced ourselves to move past the fear? What if we believed that life was filled with easy abundance? How would it change your life to know that you are enough?

Choosing joy in life is a powerful decision! When we make the conscious effort to look beyond our fear and towards joy, we open ourselves up to a world of prosperity, richness, wealth, and possibility beyond traditional definitions. By trusting that life is filled with ease and abundance, we can tap into a source of strength and courage that allows us to move forward with confidence. Focus on the joy and allow yourself to be open to the good in life. You can regrow our light and manifest an abundant life filled with joy and opportunities.

Here is how I am going to Manifest easy abundance in 2023:

  • Flow over Force

  • Grounding over Grinding

  • Feel over Fight

  • Being over Doing

  • Receiving over Achieving

  • Heal over Hustle

Vee Davis

Who am I? I’m Vee, an artist out of Colorado. I am adorable, charming, and delightfully awkward. I am likely one of the most passionate and enthusiastic people you will ever meet. I am also a recovering people pleaser. I am a whimsical, nerdy Huffleclaw. My personal mission - to create a more engaged, connected, and purpose-driven community one relationship at a time through my art.

I create bright, bold, beautiful ethereal art. My art is for people who are ready to step into their power, to find their beauty, celebrate their gifts, and manifest their inner goddess. (My art is conduit to help me find these things, too). I believe that art heals and nourishes our soul. It connects people to themselves and others in profound, emotional, and unseen ways.

For decades, I was afraid to take up space. I allowed others to define my value and worth. I could see everyone's hidden potential but failed to see the power inside of me. Not anymore. Sometimes you need to find your light. I choose to use my light to help others see the things hidden in plain sight. You are and have always been enough. Even in your brokenness - it is how the light gets in.

I love the smoothness and deep rich color that Prismacolor pencils provide coupled with the artistic freedom of digital art. My art consists of manifesting goddess vibes, blooming in flowers, whimsy creatures, Colorado-themed work, and fan art.

Thanks for going on this artsy journey with me.

Abundance Abound