Coveting Goddesses: The Quest for Confidence

The Quest for Confidence: Manifesting Your Inner Goddess

There is no failing - just learning and success. The quest for confidence is often a winding path filled with lessons, challenges, and breakthroughs. Confidence isn't just about looking good; it's about embodying your true essence, showing up authentically you, knowing your worth, and unapologetically taking up space in the world. Let's explore how you can manifest your inner goddess, tap into your deep reservoir of internal strength, and embrace the power of authenticity and self-compassion.

Manifesting Your Inner Goddess and Boldly Taking Up Space

Manifesting your inner goddess is about recognizing the divine energy within you. It's about acknowledging your unique qualities, strengths, and the light you bring to the world. This divine energy is not just a concept; it's a practice. It involves affirming your worth, setting boundaries, and confidently expressing your desires and needs. Everywhere you go - there you are. Can you practice being kind to yourself?

To boldly take up space, start by owning your presence. Stand tall, speak your truth, and don't shrink to fit into spaces that are too small for your greatness. Whether it's in your professional life, personal relationships, or social interactions, let your light shine brightly. Remember, your inner goddess thrives when you honor her with actions that reflect self-love, respect, and compassion for your growth.

Knowing Your Value and Worth Comes from a Deep Internal Reservoir of Strength

True confidence stems from an internal reservoir of strength and self-worth that is not reliant on external validation. This reservoir is built on self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love. It's about knowing that you are enough, just as you are, without needing anyone else's approval or praise. Can you create space to love yourself - right now in this moment?

To cultivate this inner strength, engage in practices that nurture your soul. Move toward radical joy. Take up meditation, fitness, journaling, dancing, swimming, art, (and drink more water you dehydrated little apple) - anything that brings you joy. All these can help reinforce your sense of self-worth. Find those glimmers - the people, things, and situations that make your heart dance. Your worth is inherent and non-negotiable, and it comes from a place deep within you that is untouchable by external circumstances.

True Power Lies in Your Authenticity and Compassion for Self

Authenticity is the cornerstone of true confidence. When you embrace your true self, flaws and all, you step into your power. This means being honest about your strengths and hardships, owning your story, and showing up as your genuine self in all aspects of life. Is there any space to show yourself some grace and acknowledge how far you have come?

Compassion for self is equally crucial. It involves treating yourself with kindness and understanding, especially when things don't go as planned. What would happen if you forgave yourself for all the things you did and didn’t do in the past. Could you love yourself into evolution instead of shaming yourself into change. True power is not about being perfect; it's about being real, vulnerable, and compassionate towards yourself.

Embracing the Journey

The quest for confidence is a lifelong journey, not a destination. It requires ongoing practice, reflection, and self-care. As you manifest your inner goddess, tap into your internal reservoir of strength, and embrace your authenticity with compassion, you'll find that your confidence grows in ways you never imagined.

Remember, you are a powerful, valuable being with a unique light to share with the world. Embrace your journey, honor your inner goddess, and let your confidence radiate from within.

Vee Davis

Who am I? I’m Vee, an artist out of Colorado. I am adorable, charming, and delightfully awkward. I am likely one of the most passionate and enthusiastic people you will ever meet. I am also a recovering people pleaser. I am a whimsical, nerdy Huffleclaw. My personal mission - to create a more engaged, connected, and purpose-driven community one relationship at a time through my art.

I create bright, bold, beautiful ethereal art. My art is for people who are ready to step into their power, to find their beauty, celebrate their gifts, and manifest their inner goddess. (My art is conduit to help me find these things, too). I believe that art heals and nourishes our soul. It connects people to themselves and others in profound, emotional, and unseen ways.

For decades, I was afraid to take up space. I allowed others to define my value and worth. I could see everyone's hidden potential but failed to see the power inside of me. Not anymore. Sometimes you need to find your light. I choose to use my light to help others see the things hidden in plain sight. You are and have always been enough. Even in your brokenness - it is how the light gets in.

I love the smoothness and deep rich color that Prismacolor pencils provide coupled with the artistic freedom of digital art. My art consists of manifesting goddess vibes, blooming in flowers, whimsy creatures, Colorado-themed work, and fan art.

Thanks for going on this artsy journey with me.

The Path Toward Being Seen


You are Enough - Loving Myself Just as I am.