
Easy Abundance

My art process, musing, learnings, and growings full of whimsy, love, and imagination. Here to nourish our souls & create beautiful things together.

Vee Davis Vee Davis

Balancing the Feminine & Masculine Energies

Explore the integration of feminine and masculine energies and how overcoming the fear of visibility can foster a more inclusive and balanced personal and societal environment. Learn practical steps for embracing authenticity and self-expression in all areas of life.

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Vee Davis Vee Davis

Breaking Free: Empowering Women to Rise Above Feeling Small

Explore how women are taught to feel small from a young age and strategies to break free, embrace their power, and rewrite societal norms in this empowering blog post. Topics include the pressure to confirm, self-worth, breaking from limiting beliefs, embracing authenticity, manifesting your inner goddess and boldly taking up space.

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