Creating Safe Spaces: Unleashing the Inner Goddess

The world demands that women wear multiple masks, play various roles, and meet countless expectations. There is a need for safe spaces where they can be their true selves has never been more critical. Safe spaces are more than just physical locations—they are environments of emotional and psychological security where women can shed their masks, embrace authenticity, and tap into their inner goddess.

The Power of Nurturing Environments

Nurturing environments are crucial for personal growth and self-discovery. They provide the emotional support and encouragement that women need to explore their true selves without fear of judgment or criticism. In these spaces, women are free to express their thoughts, emotions, and desires openly. This freedom allows them to reconnect with their inner selves, discover their passions, and cultivate their strengths.

The Everyday Goddess photography session creates a safe and nurturing environmental to cast off societal expectations and embrace your unique identity. Here, you can explore your vulnerabilities, knowing you are in a space of acceptance and understanding. This is a place to accept yourself just as you.

Shedding the Masks

Have you been taught to conform —whether it's about how you should look, behave, or what they should aspire to be. What masks are you wearing to fit in? Are they suffocating your light?

I want to create a safe spaces to shed your masks casting off the societal expectations that no longer suit you like a discarded robe: to create environment where women can start to strip the layers of presentation and explore who they truly are, separate from the roles they play in their daily lives. I want each woman to rediscover their authentic self.

Embracing Authenticity

Authenticity is the key to unleashing your inner goddess. When you are free to be your true self, you can tap into a deep well of inner strength and resilience. Can you forgive yourself for all the things you did and didn’t do?

In the Everyday Goddess photography session, you are encouraged to embrace your awkwardness, celebrate your flaws, and honor your journey. I want to foster self-compassion and self-acceptance. Can you love yourself into evolution instead of shaming yourself to change. I want you to embrace who you are and not who you think society wants you to be.

Tapping into Inner Strength and Resilience

Safe spaces are not just about providing comfort; they are about empowerment. Within these nurturing environments, can you tap into their inner strength and resilience? I hope you gain the strength to face all of your silent battles, overcome your obstacles, and bloom in the process.

I hope that the Everyday Goddess Photography session helps you gain the courage to take risks, pursue your dreams, and stand up as authentically you. Your inner goddess, with all your strength, wisdom, and power, is unleashed in these moments. You can emerges as a force of nature, capable of achieving great things and inspiring others to do the same - you just have to start.


One of my gifts is creating a creating safe space to show up authentically. I hope you can shed yours masks, embrace your authentic self, and tap into the deep well of inner strength and resilience that lies within. I hope that the Everyday Goddess Photography Session allows you to unleashed your inner goddess and boldly take up space. May the ground bloom in your steps.

Vee Davis

Who am I? I’m Vee, an artist out of Colorado. I am adorable, charming, and delightfully awkward. I am likely one of the most passionate and enthusiastic people you will ever meet. I am also a recovering people pleaser. I am a whimsical, nerdy Huffleclaw. My personal mission - to create a more engaged, connected, and purpose-driven community one relationship at a time through my art.

I create bright, bold, beautiful ethereal art. My art is for people who are ready to step into their power, to find their beauty, celebrate their gifts, and manifest their inner goddess. (My art is conduit to help me find these things, too). I believe that art heals and nourishes our soul. It connects people to themselves and others in profound, emotional, and unseen ways.

For decades, I was afraid to take up space. I allowed others to define my value and worth. I could see everyone's hidden potential but failed to see the power inside of me. Not anymore. Sometimes you need to find your light. I choose to use my light to help others see the things hidden in plain sight. You are and have always been enough. Even in your brokenness - it is how the light gets in.

I love the smoothness and deep rich color that Prismacolor pencils provide coupled with the artistic freedom of digital art. My art consists of manifesting goddess vibes, blooming in flowers, whimsy creatures, Colorado-themed work, and fan art.

Thanks for going on this artsy journey with me.

Balancing the Feminine & Masculine Energies


Grounding Your Sacred Femininity: A Journey to Reconnect with Your Inner Power